
Lucy 01 Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Pilou Asbæk, Analeigh Tipton, Luc Besson,

Lucy: when a package of drugs erupts in her guts it begins to unlock the full capacity of Lucy’s brain, turning her into a superhuman. This is a beautiful film to take in; full of colourful, poppy, bright, neon visuals of everything from single cells to galaxies, the big bang to the future (in 85 mins!!) and huge sweeping shots of cities, cultures, and continents reminiscent of something like Koyaanisqatsi. To put it simply – Lucy is a full on Eye Boner, and the CGI shots in particular are world-class. The biggest argument against the film is that the ‘10% of the brain myth’ has been debunked… I don’t hear anyone letting the dodgy science of Jurassic World, or tech of the Avengers, or gravity in the Fast franchise ruin those films. This is Science FICTION; get off your high horse and eat a buffet of dicks. The idea makes for an interesting film, especially if you dig the ongoing next leap in intelligence debate. Scarlett – who is in almost every shot – is hypnotising as an increasingly cold and calculating being, but the real star is Besson who’s back on top form, taking a bunch of chaotic elements, making them look great, then slotting them together into an exciting and ambitious narrative. On paper Lucy’s individual components are everything I love about modern cinema; a great ‘world cinema’ director, Korean actors, bombastic action, high-concept / big ideas, colourful & stylish (Cinéma Du Look), and entertaining… what more could anybody want? It’s Limitless for Sci-Fi nerds; it’s infinitely more engrossing that the Tree of Shite; it’s arguably the best Sci Fi film since The Matrix. Although the film goes ‘all in’ with a single divisive plot point – and whether you buy in to it or not – there’s no denying that Lucy is (at the very least) enthralling and entertaining. Personally, I’d put this down as Besson’s masterpiece

Score: 9.5/10

Lucy Koreans Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Pilou Asbæk, Analeigh Tipton, Luc Besson,
Lucy Frenchies Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Pilou Asbæk, Analeigh Tipton, Luc Besson,

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      I genuinely think this is Besson at his best, which unfortunately seems to mean divided critics!


  1. I meant to catch this at the cinema, but never got around to it. After reading your review, I’ll definitely be watching it on the tube! Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      I’d try to grab a Blu Ray or find a way to see it in HD. The colours and effects demand as big a screen as possible! :)


  2. I feel you man! This is the very definition of a ‘Who gives a fuck!?’ movie, as in ‘Who gives a fuck about the wonky science when a film’s this enjoyable’. Not a huge fan of the ending though

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Yep, the ending is a bit weird, but I can see why they did it because humans wouldn’t be able to comprehend the next step in intelligence (like animals probably don’t understand humans). Still quite visual and captivating though?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jaina said:

    Yes, if you ignore all the pseudo science and all that jazz, Lucy’s a pretty damn enjoyable film. It’s one of the few films that’s had a really interesting way of portraying time, in a way that’s kind very reassuring for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      I thought he was alright, but other than wearing an ear-ring, nothing we’ve not seen before. My vote is for Sca-Jo!!!


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