The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest: final part of the Millennium trilogy, following on from the Dragon Tattoo and Played with Fire. Continuing the downward trend, this looks and feels as bland as most TV movies – 0% cinematic and very little excitement or tension. The plot slowly meanders down two paths: a rehabilitation / courtroom saga for Lisbeth and yet another investigation for Mikael. It’s far, far too long (147 mins) given how little the plot progresses and how pedestrian the story is. While the acting’s still great and there’s a tiny bit of steam left, the focus here is entirely on wrapping up the 2nd film; which was already well below the brilliant stand-alone whodunnit, Dragon Tattoo. Most telling, even when walking out of the cinema I could only recall a handful of good scenes. Fire and Hornet could probably be edited together, cutting out all of the bloated story & characterisation and focusing on the excitement and drama that’s been so diluted in these behemoth instalments. The Fincher re-makes will have trouble competing with the first film, but the other two are his for the taking. A dreadful final chapter, and for closing up a tale that’s over 7 hours long the ending was such an anti-climactic disappointment.

Score: 3/10

  1. mcarteratthemovies said:

    I’m not sure I’d have been quite so harsh as to give this sequel a 3/10, but it’s certainly inferior to “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” To be fair, making the second book — which is almost nonstop action and tension from about page 7 — into a feature-length film that was NOT seven hours long must have been a bitch. Noomi Rapace continues to impress me in the way she becomes Lisbeth Salander. I can’t imagine anyone (especially not Rooney Mara) playing that part. But overall the film feels a bit loaded down with too much of everything.


  2. Just felt remarkably let down given how brilliant Dragon Tattoo was. Rapace and Nyqvist were both phenomenal castings and were definitely the only real stars of the latter two movies.


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