
Monsters: a photographer has to deliver his boss’s daughter from central America back home to the US border, only problem is that the north of Mexico is now an alien infected zone. Yet another solid entry into the more believable area of the Sci-Fi section – alongside the likes of Primer, Children of Men, 2001, Moon, District 9, Running Man… Monsters is guerilla film-making at its smartest; every shot is framed perfectly and CGI’s sparingly used as the most is made of real people / locations / disasters / wrecks. The focus isn’t on big effects, but the atmosphere, which is probably the biggest reason why you can buy into the film. While the story’s pretty thin and basic, the chemistry between the on (and off) screen couple also sucks you right into their world. In saying that, for being the crux of the film the relationship angle is straight off-the-shelf; some poor bloke’s fiance is doubting their marriage when she meets a far more interesting guy – wonder how that will it turn out?! Everyone’s been banging on about how good Monsters is for the budget, big woop, a load of low and micro budget films have done well. The real inspiration that Gareth Edwards wrote, directed, filmed, edited and SFX’d an international hit off his own back. While this isn’t quite the full polished package it shows a lot of promise for a first time director. Can’t wait to see what he can deliver when the studios start throwing serious money at him.

Score: 6.5/10

  1. Gotta disagree, Paul. Loved Monsters. Think it’s a bit flawed and misleading but could easily give it a 7.5.


  2. Andrew said:

    I’m with Kai but more. I really, really liked this for its quiet and unassuming nature and its general discreteness, as well as the technical skill displayed in bringing the titular behemoths to life. I agree absolutely that the big plus for this is that it could lead to Edwards having more money thrown at him (though I have heard the rumors of the absolutely minimal budget have been exaggerated) in the future, but he does so much with so little here.


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