Vice Principals


Vice Principals: when a school principal retires and the vice principals are passed over for a promotion they form an unlikely tag team to take their new boss down. Not unlike most Danny McBride projects, the humour in VPs is an acquired taste: it’s stupid and lowest-common denominator stuff, but I’m a fan of the funny to watch the crass swearing, childish squabbling, stereotypes, silly faces etc… McBride’s pretty much been here before in Eastbound and Down with his faded baseball star going back to school to teach; his latest character Neal Gamby is essentially an older, and slightly more filtered/censored Kenny Powers. Goggins on the other hand turns in an against-type effeminate role, that requires a lot of eye rolling, sucking up, and mincing around in pink clothes. Both leads are great at what they do and the core supporting cast notes (Gregory / Whigham / King / Love – GO SCOTLAND! / Patterson) all hit the right comedy notes. The show mostly cruises along, with scenarios that lead to silly and cringe comedy, but there’s a few curveballs in here with surreal moments, weird filming techniques, and the finale feels a little too bizarre and doesn’t fit in with the rest of the show. Vice Principals will go down best with fans of McBride’s trademark style, and he’s firmly in his comfort zone… for regular viewers it may be stray a little too far into crass and unacceptable territory.

Score: 6/10



  1. Jaina said:

    Enjoyed Vice Principals, towards the end of the first season. The beginning few episodes rolled around in the silliness too long, and for this Walton Goggins fan—didn’t spend nearly enough time on his character. I’m glad, from the outset, they said this show will only be 2 seasons long, it’s not the kind of show I can see going on season after season.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Paragraph Film Reviews said:

    I’m not sure how they can squeeze another season out of this. The ending felt way out of place for me and would have just been nice to have either wrapped it up or left it hanging. I know I shouldn’t love him as much as I do, but nobody does foul like Danny McBride.


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