
Whiplash Shouting Miles Teller, J. K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist, Austin Stowell, Chris Mulkey, Damon Gupton, Jayson Blair, Kofi Siriboe, Kavita Patil, Michael Cohen, Damien Chazelle

Whiplash: an ambitious and cocksure jazz drummer comes head to head with an abusive conductor that will do anything to push his students beyond their limits. It’s an interesting film in that the focus is on two very unlikable and unsympathetic characters; and a couple of Jazz songs dominate the soundtrack – both of these elements have the potential to isolate viewers. A film set around jazz band performances and rehearsals could have used more visual flare and flashy camera tricks, but the way it’s all cut together helps squeeze every last bit of tension and drama out of the big moments. All the actors live in the shadow of J.K. Simmons’ band leader, who is portrayed as venomous, dangerous, and borderline sociopathic individual… although it’s frequently hinted that – despite his extreme methods – he is genuinely trying to push his musicians into greatness. An examination of ‘how far is too far’, Whiplash is a unique teacher/student drama that’s adequately made, but elevated by huge performances, a booming audio track, and the fist-pumping finale.

Score: 7/10

Whiplash Snae Blood Drum Sticks Miles Teller, J. K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist, Austin Stowell, Chris Mulkey, Damon Gupton, Jayson Blair, Kofi Siriboe, Kavita Patil, Michael Cohen, Damien Chazelle

And here comes mister gay pride of the Upper West Side himself. Unfortunately, this is not a Bette Midler concert, we will not be serving Cosmopolitans and Baked Alaska, so just play faster than you give fucking hand jobs, will you please?

  1. This one grabbed me by the jugular. I had a tough guitar tutor, when I was a wee teen, but this is amped up to 11 in a way that had me on edge throughout. Simmons blows the doors off!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Absolutely, a total masterclass that deserved every piece of praise it got


  2. sinnerz13 said:

    This is a great film! You do not need to be a blockbuster with CGI to be a great film. Sometimes simple us best and if you have outstanding acting you will have a great film.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      I wish they’d make more small-mid budget films that aspired to be this good. Most other movies around this budget are complete trash at the moment.


  3. You are right that every possible bit of tension was squeezed out of this movie. And that performance by Simmons is nothing short of perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ben said:

    The two performances are what makes this movie. The intensity of both Simmons and Teller means you can never look away. Great film.

    Liked by 1 person

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