
Everly Tommy Gun Joe Lynch Salma Hayek, Akie Kotabe, Laura Cepeda, Jennifer Blanc, Togo Igawa, Gabriella Wright, Caroline Chikezie, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Jelena Gavrilović, Masashi Fujimoto, Dragana Atlija

Everly: after four years as a Yakuza sex slave Everly wants to be back with her family – and she’s willing to kill anyone that stands in her way. Welcome to Titty City: population 2, Salma’s girls. This film is ‘bootay central’ as Salma jogs around in silk nightgowns, low cuts, yoga pants… and the sprinklers even come on to give us a sexy wet-look finale! (classic move). She gets shot, burned, stabbed, tased, tied, tortured… but never looks less than fantastic. Being set in a brothel there’s also a long line of leggy babes dressed like all the fantasies! Not content with misrepresenting just women, this throws every Japanese stereotype you can think of in the mix: intelligent Asian man full of wise “my uncle once told me” proverbs; full theatre costumes with geta shoes; samurai sword / sai dagger wielding yakuzas; sprawling back tattoos, etc etc. On the upside, the film is very well made – looking as good as most big-budget pictures – and the SFX team does some great work with buckets of blood, severed limbs, and loads of new creative ways to kill people. I was rather enjoying it all until a nasty acid torture moment, which seemed to dip briefly into torture-porn territory and haul me out of the film. This type of movie isn’t for everyone, but Everly combines the story elements of an old-school rape-revenge rampage with modern over-the-top ultra-exploitative action; and it does both of those very well. Salma’s acting and director Joe Lynch’s enthusiasm raise this above the shlocky B-movie that it truly is.

Score: 6/10
B-Movie Score: 8/10

Everly Gun Joe Lynch Salma Hayek Akie Kotabe Laura Cepeda Jennifer Blanc Togo Igawa Gabriella Wright Caroline Chikezie Hiroyuki Watanabe Jelena Gavrilović Masashi Fujimoto Dragana AtlijaEverly Muzzle Flash Joe Lynch Salma Hayek, Akie Kotabe, Laura Cepeda, Jennifer Blanc, Togo Igawa, Gabriella Wright, Caroline Chikezie, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Jelena Gavrilović, Masashi Fujimoto, Dragana Atlija


  1. I had loads of fun watching this. It is pure B-grade material, but Salma Hayek and the director both totally own it and run with it to get the most out of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Absolutely – if it’s someone you’re remotely into this is a blast. Not sure how it would play to an ‘average’ punter though.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Aw man – I didn’t know about this and have started to fall down the rabbit hole. It’s a love/hate though thing as the behind the scenes type industry information and stories are amazing, but the two guys but in far too much for me. I want to hear Lloyd Kaufman’s stories from 40 years of making films, not more stuff about Everly and Hatchet!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hear you. I have to take breaks periodically.

        On one hand, I love the passion the guys have and they can be extremely funny. Their fan commentaries are what won me over.

        At the same time, sometimes I don’t feel like listening to their frustration about the industry and piracy etc. I can understand why he’s frustrated, but I feel like the people he’s bitching to/at already agree with him. I don’t steal movies on principle. I’m sorry that others do.

        As far as the industry is concerned, I only make videos as a hobby. I’ve never made money off of it and I just like telling stories that amuse me.

        That said, I’m probably not the target audience for this show. I like hearing storytellers talk about their stories. I’m not looking for tips on how to succeed in the industry.

        There’s enough of what I love here to keep me coming back though.

        Sorry to be long winded!


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