The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie Emmet Unikitty Kragle Batman Green Lantern Ninja Spaceman Metal Beard Wyldstyle

The Lego Movie: Emmet Brickowski is a follow-the-manual kind of guy, but when he bumps in to a master builder his life changes forever. Anyone that’s ever played with Lego can relate to the film’s settings, and it’s good fun just trying to spot old and quirky pieces like the glow-in-the-dark ghost. The entire film looks brilliant, vibrant and ridiculously detailed – characters even have slight thumbprints. There’s a grade-A voice cast, with a lot of distinguishable and entertaining character actors in the mix. It’s also one of the few films that is universally funny; covering the slapstick / physical gags but including a layer of smart ‘adult’ satire and running gags for the duration – it’s consistently funny. There are a few stumbling blocks though: the bigger action scenes are too fast/shaky/blurry to keep up with; the split realities at the end knocks the wind out of the finale’s sail; some of the Lego franchises feel shoe-horned in; and for a film that preaches “use your imagination” to everyone, it’s literally a scene-for-scene re-telling of The Matrix… which is a touch disappointing and hypocritical. However, all things considered, The Lego Movie is a damn fine kids film, and even a damn fine film by normal standards. Highly entertaining and uplifting, if unapologetically unoriginal, family BLOCK-buster.

Score: 8/10

The Lego Movie Wallpaper Green Lantern Superman Wonderwoman Robbin Batman FlashThe Lego Movie Poster Emmet House

  1. CMrok93 said:

    Good review. Fun for almost anybody who decides to go and see this. Not just kids, but adults as well.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Absolutely, I’m 28 now and LOVE IT. Don’t even have kids…


  2. nasen75 said:

    I really liked this movie. I think it may be because I saw it after having seen Frozen, which was the most overrated and overhyped movie I’ve seen in a while, but The Lego Movie actually felt like a nice breath of fresh air. It basically is the best non-Pixar/non-Ghibli animated movie I’ve seen in a while.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Don’t make a point in seeing too many “kids films” as I have no kids and would look weird – but I do check out the odd one. This is WAY better than I’d anticipated.


  3. My wife saw this movie with her nephews and she really liked it. She said adults would find it pretty funny and the Batman character was really good. I may have to check this one out.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Absolutely, as mentioned above everyone should be able to take some enjoyment out of this. The modern life satire alone is worth the price of a ticket.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Just read your review and such large overlaps. I love it. We may well be related. <3


  4. I would like to see how great film is. I might go to the cinema to watch it


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      That’s a good idea, definitely go to the cinema as downloading this would be bad!


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