
S.W.A.T. – a drug kingpin offers $100M to anyone that will bust him out of prison; a special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team is assigned to make sure he checks in to the big house. Most evidently, this bad boy has every single cop film cliché you could find in the ‘big book of cop film clichés. The unit’s best hot-shot is a maverick that gets results, but he’s bounced off the team (because of his ill-tempered partner) by pencil pushers; another wildcard officer sees potential and puts both their careers on the line reinstating him – would you like some more platitude sauce with your hackneyed sammich sir? Not content with having a copy/paste story, every sloppy racial / cultural / actor stereotype is also present; Samuel L. is very angry-with-attitude, Renner has a short fuse, macho man Michelle Rodriguez pops up in her white vest, everything’s too familiar, right down to the ‘uncool vegan loser’ and ‘big fat black mama’ that shouts “mmmmmmmm  hhhmmmmmmm”. The action is big, loud and decent, if a little ridiculous – like a Die Hard / Michael Bay movie. It’s all so ridiculous that it couldn’t possibly be anything other than a cheesy, tongue in cheek satire of the genre?  Surprisingly enough, despite not having an ounce of originality, S.W.A.T. is super-strength, all too watchable, well-executed, cheese-tastic, guilty pleasure action material.

Score: 6/10

  1. S said:

    I dig this film; Colin Farrel, Renner-very watchable! Nice post.


  2. Russ said:

    I’ve never seen this, but I can still hear Sam L Jackson from the trailer: “You’re either SWAT, or you’re not! ” Shudder.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Russ – Big time, Sam J plays his typical typecast angry black man, but if you can put up with people doing their schticks, you’ll make it through this in one piece.


  3. I love this. It’s a great “sitting around with a bunch of people and lots of beer” movie. Perfect Saturday night fun.


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