Blades of Glory

Blades of Glory: started off very strongly by backgrounding the characters and fierce competition, paired with commentators on the BASEketball level of awesomeness. Unfortunately it fizzles out a little when the focus shifts off the rink and a fairly uninspired underdog / unlikely friendship story plays out. The characters definitely have their moments but they’re no Ron Burgundy or Napoleon Dynamite. Even Will Arnett couldn’t muster up many laughs, an indication of the patchy script. I’ll buy a meal to the people who made Jenna Fischer look that hot! The rest of the film relies on the innuendo of male skaters and there’s a whole load of skating stars & references throughout. Probably more for fans of the sport than Joe Public but there are some good bits scattered throughout.

Score: 5.5/10

  1. have said it once and am proud to say it again – this is Ferrell’s finest hour
    you’re welcome, Stockholm


  2. I’m with you, homey… starts off like a promising Will Farrell movie and just ends up failing to deliver!


  3. Chaz is alright, but he has nothing on Ricky Bobby, Ashley Shaffer or Ron Burgundy!!

    Go fuck yourself, San Diego!


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