Walkout: Knight and Day

Knight and Day A wanted super spy (Cruise) somehow thinks it’s OK to tangle a random civilian (Diaz) into his escape plans. Up front – there are simply too many things to dislike in this movie; the plot is terrible, the tone is uneven – big action or goofy parody, derivative script, neither lead is any good, neither lead is watchable or likable, etc, etc… The secret agent keeps knocking out the gal when she’s just about to put 2 + 2 together, that’s no way to treat a Lady, even if she is only with you for the money! Moreover, the whole film feels like a big, strategic, crass plan to simply make a ton of box office, without as much of a thought given to the actual product.

It genuinely made the Mrs and I want to make a suicide pact, but before things got that far, we switched it off after a record-breaking 15 minutes. Bankable A-list stars, does not a good movie make! GAME OVER, Cruise.

Alternative Plans: just went to bed early that night, ‘cos that’s how we roll.

  1. todayiwatchedamovie said:

    I have a rule that if I start watching a movie to review it, I have to watch the whole thing. Your walkout posts are helping me know a few I can avoid.

    Thank you, sir.


  2. Jaina said:

    Ha! Nothing about this film has ever made me want to watch it. 15 minutes? You and your Mrs did well to last so long!


  3. Shaft said:

    Hmmm, I actually saw this – twice! I agree it was a very uneven film, and in fact bad if truth is to be told… but somehow it fell into the ‘so good it’s bad’ category for me. I was entertained, when all said and done.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      I can understand watching this in a post-ironic lets stick the boot in, kinda way.


  4. Personally, I really enjoyed this movie. It may have been wholly unbelievable at times but it made me laugh a ton, and for me, that’s what really counts.


  5. This movie is horrible. I could see a very minute glimmer of brilliance in the concept, but unfortunately the script probably got rewritten 30-40 times to remove any semblance of originality. Plus, the bad acting, shoddy special effects, and boring “action” sequences further ruined the movie.


    • Paragraph Film Reviews said:

      Amen brother (in the words of the Matcho King Randy Savage)


  6. Russ said:

    I have never had an interest in seeing this film. I’ve heard some pretty bad things about it before, and your walkout confirms my fears.


  7. Hahahaha… ….I liked it. I mean, yes, the premise is completely ludicrous and the screenplay didn’t really offer anything new, but I sensed the actors having fun. I like Cruise and Diaz (most days) so I guess that helped. I was going to mention the chase scene with the bulls in Spain–totally worth watching–but you turned it off after 15 minutes!

    It’s better than “Killers.” =X


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